Learn About God's Word Through Play!

Are you ready to start teaching your little one the Bible, but you're not quite sure how to get started?
Play Through the Bible takes the truth of scripture and helps you teach it in a way that every toddler will go crazy for - play! With over 95 simple ideas for crafts, activities, and more this guide is guaranteed to have something that every kid (and parent!) loves.
So get ready to pretend, craft, run, dance, eat, sing, and PLAY through the Bible together!
Take a Look at What's Inside...

There are tons of helpful tips included for teaching the Bible to toddlers. For each of the fifteen Old Testament stories covered, you will learn what points to focus on and how to go over the story in a way that your toddler can connect with. Plus, you'll find a memory verse selection, a discussion guide, and more!

Reinforce what you learned in the story in ways that hit all the senses. From active games, to songs, snacks, and sensory bins, you'll find ideas that work for your wiggly toddler. All of the activities are purposefully kept simple for busy parents of little ones and as an added bonus, many of them can be seamlessly folded into your normal daily routine!

Each story includes five simple crafts that are easy to set up and your toddler can actually do. No parent made, "Pinterest Perfect" crafts here! This is because the purpose of these crafts is to continue your conversation about God's Word, allowing the truths to continue to cement in your child's mind and heart.

Look At What People Are Saying About Play Through the Bible!
"It's always awesome to see God use someone to meet a need, and that's exactly what happened with Play Through the Bible. Not only is this book an amazing resource for anyone teaching the Bible to toddlers, but it's full of lifegiving encouragement to parents as they strive to disciple their children. Liz's creative lessons are brilliantly crafted for little minds and hearts. Christian families have been looking for this book and it's finally here!" - Ashley Kersh, www.faithfullittlehands.com
"Finding easy, hands-on ways to teach my children about the Bible and all of God's promises is something I am always on a mission for. Liz's Play Through the Bible is the practical guide I wished I would have had years ago. Simple instructions, easy to implement activities, and lots of inspiration to give you the tools you need to plant little seeds of faith in your little ones hearts." - Victoria Osborn, www.creativehomekeeper.com
"We love Play Through the Bible in our family! We started when our daughter was two and a half years old and she absolutely loves it. Everyday she asks if we can do it. She is able to follow along well with each lesson and adores each craft and activity that is associated with each lesson. We highly recommend this to everyone with toddlers!" -Hillary H.
"What a great resource for engaging toddlers in learning the Bible! Such a great variety of activities and lots of helpful tips for teaching. I know I'll come back to this again and again with my little one.” - Laura D.
"Play Through the Bible has been an amazing asset in our Church and in my personal life. We've been using the series to teach the toddler class at our church and these lessons stick with the kids! My 2 year old can remember the lesson, even days later, with great detail! This series was made with little ones in mind and I don't regret implementing it in our church or at home. With down to earth crafts and lessons that children can understand, we are starting these little minds out on the right path early!" - Katie J.
"The activities are simple and low prep, and there is a variety to fit every age and learning style. Also, the encouragement and tips for parents is just beautiful for parents going through the roller coaster of raising littles. I especially love that you include a reading plan for parents to help them grow with their littles." -Kayla Juanita Alonso, www.babydevotions.com
"Play Through the Bible is an incredible resource that not only makes God’s Word come alive for your children, but it equips you as the mother to better communicate God’s truth to them. When it comes to teaching kids the Bible, there are loads of resources to choose from. However, I believe that Liz from Steadfast Family stands out above them all. This is a must-have resource for moms who want to teach their kids the Bible in a fun and engaging way." ~Leigh Ann Dutton, Founder of IntentionalByGrace.com and Author of the Fruit of the Spirit Curriculum for Toddlers

About the Author
Mom to three wild little boys, Liz Millay loves using her Bible and Youth Ministry degree background to help families build their foundation on God's Word.
When her oldest son was a toddler, she couldn't find quite what she was looking for to help her teach him the Bible in a way that he would understand and connect with. So, armed with their favorite Bible storybook and a closet of craft supplies, Liz and her son played and crafted their way through each story. This experience became the original Play Through the Bible series on her blog, Steadfast Family.
Now, after many more years of experience, Liz has completely overhauled the original series and created a resource that is packed full of everything a parent could need to help get their child off to a great start in their understanding of God's Word.
Q. What stories are included?
A. In Play Through the Bible vol. 1, there are fifteen Old Testament stories included: Creation, Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham and Sarah, Joseph, Ruth, Samuel, David, Elijah, Josiah, Daniel, Jonah, and Esther.
Q. Is there a print version?
A. Yes! You can order a print version through Amazon HERE. (Digital version can be purchased HERE)
Q. Can I use Play Through the Bible with my church group?
A. Yep! Many people have enjoyed adapting Play Through the Bible to use with their church class or play group. Just pick and choose the ideas that work well for your group.
Q. What age is this for?
A. Play Through the Bible was created with toddlers in mind! Age two is usually when children are ready for the majority of activities included (although some may be ready earlier!) and they will continue to enjoy them throughout their preschool years.
Q. Will my older child enjoy the activities?
A. While not specifically designed for them, many older children will have fun with the ideas in Play Through the Bible! If you have an older child, you may want to check out our Old Testament Adventure Devotional.
Q. What type of supplies will I need?
A. Play Through the Bible was specifically designed to be used with the most basic of supplies! Most crafts are done with construction paper, glue, and crayons. Additional craft supplies are things that are simple and easy to grab from a local store or online! As far as the activities, those are easily able to be completed with what you already have laying around the house. If you want to try the sensory bin ideas, you will need a few things, like filler items such as beans or rice. There are also instructions to make wooden Bible peg people to use to play the stories. They aren't necessary, but are a fun addition!
Q. How long do the activities take?
A. Most ideas in Play Through the Bible can be prepped in a matter of minutes and finished in the same time span it takes for your busy toddler to lose interest! Plus, many of the ideas can be incorporated into your normal daily routine.
Q. How are the lessons set up?
A. For each story there is a page with introductory material: teaching tips, focus point, discussion guide, memory verse, etc. Then there is a song, themed snack, and sensory bin idea, followed by five activities and five crafts. You are able to read one story a week, with a craft and activity for each day, or you can do the ideas you like in any which way or order - it's super flexible!
Q. Is there a New Testament version?
A. A New Testament version of Play Through the Bible is already in the works! It takes a lot of work to create the plans, test them, photograph them, and design the book, so a release date for volume 2 has not been set yet. Subscribe to receive updates to Steadfast Family so you don't miss out on any Play Through the Bible news!
Here's What Two Children's Pastors Had to Say About Play Through the Bible...
"As a Children’s Pastor for almost 30 years, I am constantly looking for preschool ideas and lessons that help children understand and experience God’s Word on their level. This book is full of creative, fun, hands on experiences that anyone can do with their child. Each lesson gives multiple ideas that will help parents begin to build a spiritual foundation in their child’s life! Nothing complicated, just God’s truths done in a way that is memorable and so much fun! The beautiful pictures with each activity show how simple, yet creative the activities are. I highly recommend this book and can’t wait to use many of its ideas in my own teaching times with preschoolers!" -Janna Worthman, Children’s Pastor, Grabill Missionary Church
"Play Through the Bible is an amazing resource for churches and preschools that want to incorporate more imaginative play into their curriculum. Liz’s creative crafts, interactive activity ideas, and delicious snacks can be used all in one lesson, or spread out over multiple classes. With simple supplies and preschool-friendly language and activities, this book will be dog-eared and marked up quickly from heavy use!" - Christie Thomas, long-time Director of Children’s Ministries, founder of WillowWood Christian Preschool, and author of ‘Wise for Salvation’ and ‘Quinn’s Promise Rock’