I cannot count how many times have I gotten in a family Bible time slump because I need to “get everything ready” but kept pushing it off. My good intentions were repeatedly thrown off by the simple speed bump of creating a plan.

Odds are, you’ve found yourself in a similar situation, so that’s why I am sharing these Bible time plans with you. All the planning is already done, so all you have to do is get started! 

Named “Foundation” because the Bible is the foundation that makes our families strong, these plans are great for families of all ages!

Here are how the plans are set up…

Each month has the following components:

  1. A children’s Bible song
  2. A hymn

Each week has the following components:

  1. Bible story to be read from a picture Bible
  2. Bible passage to be read (we will be working through the major stories of the Old Testament)

Everything is all together in one place, ready for you to get started growing your family together on the Word!

Ready to get started?

Foundation is FREE for Steadfast Family subscribers and all eleven months are ready for you to access and download in the subscriber resource area.

To get access to Foundation and all the other awesome resources available to subscribers, just enter your info below!