Bitter words they can’t really even comprehend pour out of my mouth. “Kids! Please just play nicely! Everyone will have so much more fun if we treat others how we want to be treated.” “That’s it! Time out! Now. You’re done.” “You see? I told you this was going to happen if you didn’t listen to me!”…

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It was one of those nights. The ones where the clock ticking down to bedtime couldn’t possibly move any slower. It had been a rough day. K had been particularly… well.. three years old. We’d been struggling with disobedience, stubbornness, angry outbursts, mischievousness, and lack of self-control all. day. long. Typically on nights like this…

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My blood was boiling. It felt like the tension inside was going to break me into a million pieces. The last string of patience I could muster snapped. My thoughts whirled. “Why does this always have to happen?” “Can’t I just have a few minutes of peace?!” “That is it!” Words spewed out of my…

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When my husband and I first got married, one of the areas we had conflict in was with excuses. My husband was raised to never make excuses, so it drove him up the wall when I did. However, from my perspective I often just wanted to share my thought process. I didn’t think I was giving…

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“I could write a book” he said to me with a smile, letting me know he was half teasing, half serious. My husband is a lot like me and thinks he can do pretty much anything without too many problems. It’s a serious condition I like to call “how-hard-could-it-be?-itis.” However, this time I knew the truth.…

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