For months leading up to our big move I would tell him, “when we move we are getting rid of the diapers and you are going to wear undies!” I would quiz him: “what are we doing with your diapers when we move?” Once we did move, I knew I didn’t want to spend any…

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My blood was boiling. It felt like the tension inside was going to break me into a million pieces. The last string of patience I could muster snapped. My thoughts whirled. “Why does this always have to happen?” “Can’t I just have a few minutes of peace?!” “That is it!” Words spewed out of my…

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“Be careful!” The words spilled out of my mouth without any thought as my son attempted to navigate some rough terrain in the backyard. I must have said it at least a half-dozen times already in the half hour we’d been playing outside. It was then that I knew I had a problem. I had…

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“No! My daddy stay at my house! Awight?”  I pushed back the tears welling up in my eyes and told my son that it wouldn’t be too much longer before daddy would be with us again. However, inside, I felt the same way he did. This was only his third time getting to visit with…

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There’s no denying it, my son is an explorer. He is fearless. Nothing deters him when he has his eyes set on a goal. Because of this, he has been getting himself into sticky situations since he learned how to scoot his chubby little baby self around the room. As soon as he realizes he’s…

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